[ Announcement] Zero tolerance! Haolee resolutely cracks down on counterfeit brand behaviors in ac

  • 2020-08-17 08:16:58
  • Company News
  • Times
Summary:Recently, our company received a report that an illegal company in Xuzhou counterfeited our company‘s "Haolee" bran

  Haolee Group, a leading company in high-end custom home furnishings in China, has a long industry development history of 24 years. It is a group enterprise integrating all kinds of log home furnishing products. It has an extensive sales network and high-quality user reputation. Market consumers, distributors love and fans.


  It is precisely by focusing on the brand advantage of Haolee that an illegal company in Xuzhou counterfeited the "Oli" brand of our company for illegal business activities. When selling, pretend to be our distributor, foundry or even our company; directly use the name and packaging materials that are very similar to our company when packaging. Among them, the colors, trademarks, font sizes, fonts, slogans, logos printed on the packaging have a high degree of imitation, which has seriously misled consumers and violated the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and our company!


  ↑The authentic packaging is "Haolee Group", and the counterfeit packaging is "Haolee Home"

  Article 60 of the "Trademark Law" stipulates that: when the administrative department for industry and commerce determines that the infringement is established... if the illegal business amount is more than 50,000 yuan, a fine of less than five times the illegal business amount may be imposed.

  Article 55 of the "Consumer Rights Protection Law" stipulates that: if a business operator commits fraud in providing goods or services, he shall increase the compensation for the losses suffered by the consumer in accordance with the requirements of the consumer, and the increased amount of compensation shall be the purchase price of the consumer or Three times the cost of receiving services.

  Article 140 of the "Criminal Law" stipulates that: Producers and sellers adulterate or adulterate products, use fakes as genuine, use shoddy products or substandard products as qualified products... The sales amount is more than RMB 2 million. If they are found to be sentenced to 15 years of fixed-term imprisonment or life imprisonment, they shall also be fined not less than 50% but not more than two times the sales amount, or confiscate their property.


↑All the above are counterfeit products of our company, and the packaging simulation is extremely high. Our company is seriously responsible!

In response to the current acts of manufacturing and selling counterfeit products, our company has contacted the local public security and industry and commerce departments in Xuzhou and provided relevant evidence to protect our brand reputation through legal channels.


For this kind of counterfeiting, our company resolutely cracks down on the principle of zero tolerance. At the same time, our company declares once again that our company has never commissioned any manufacturer to process products under the brand name Haolee. Our company also welcomes consumers to actively report the behavior of counterfeiting the Haolee brand in the name of "processing on behalf of", and contact our anti-counterfeiting department at 150-1259-2859.


We are fully aware that the establishment of a well-known brand requires long-term financial and energy investment. It represents a promise, a guarantee, and a belief, which need to be maintained by all market players. Regarding this counterfeit incident, our company hopes that the manufacturers in the same industry can take a warning, operate in accordance with the law, and promote the healthy and orderly development of the enterprise!